
The summoner variant is a casual mode that uses a market mechanic to allow players to continually bring in units, items, and abilities over the course of battle. Much like in a summoner game or Dota, you will start weak and then become stronger, eventually overwhelming your opponent if they cannot keep you in check. But be careful! Just like in Dota, a mistimed play can result in a huge gold swing that turns the tides of battle for your opponent.


In order to play this summoner variant, you need 10 additional cards in the following hexes:

  • 2 Fountain (E1, E7)
  • 4 Light Tower (B2, B5, H2, H5)
  • 4 Heavy Tower (D2, D5, F2, F5)

You will also need four dice to represent gold on hexes A4, C4, E4, G4, I4. (Henceforth the “gold hexes”.) These dice start with value of 3.

You will need a way to track your gold. Each player starts with 10 gold.

Each player will prepare their market and market deck. Your market is where you will buy cards from during the game. The cards that replenish your market will come from the market deck.

  1. You may search your kingdom for a single card and put it in your market.
  2. Shuffle your remaining kingdom, put it next to your market. This is your market deck.
  3. Draw three cards from your market deck and put it in your market. Your market should have four cards total.


  • Unless otherwise specified or implied, all standard Legacy’s Allure rules apply.
  • The goal of the game is for a player to kill the enemy fountain.
  • Players roll to see who will act first. The player who acts first chooses a hex in the deployment zone to place their hero (unexhausted).
  • When a unit ends their turn on a hex with a gold die on it, they gain that much gold and the gold die is removed.
  • At the start of each round except the first, each player gains 5 gold automatically, plus one gold for every unit they control that is on the gold hexes. For all gold hexes without a unit occupying them, increment existing gold dice by 1 or place a gold die with value equal to 1 if no gold die is present.
  • Gold is rewarded for killing enemy units based on the killed unit’s gold cost:
    • 1 gold is rewarded for killing units with gold cost <6.
    • 2 gold is rewarded for killing units with gold cost 6-10.
    • 3 gold is rewarded for killing units with gold cost 11-15.
    • 4 gold is rewarded for killing units with gold cost 16-20.
    • 5 gold is rewarded for killing units with gold cost >20.
    • If the unit is a hero, 3 additional gold is earned in addition to the base amount. (A hero’s items and abilities determine its gold cost.)
  • The round ends only when both players have exhausted their fountains. The player who exhausts their fountain first will act first in the next round.
  • When a unit dies, it goes to the graveyard.
  • In addition to the three standard actions, players may also perform these actions:
    • Buy a card from their market. Replace that card with another card from their market deck.
      • Units are placed exhausted on the battlefield in the standard deployment zone.
      • Items and abilities are placed in the items and abilities zone.
        • You may replace existing items with new items. Replaced items are destroyed.
    • Summon a dead hero to the battlefield in the standard deployment zone.
      • Summoned heroes retain all items and abilities previously in the items and abilities zone.
    • Return a non-hero card in the graveyard to the deck by paying X gold, where X equals that card’s reward (this applies to non-unit cards as well).


The following cards are modified for this format:

  • Ursa Major gold cost from 11 to 12.
  • Ursa Minor gold cost from 7 to 8.
  • Cards that apply an effect only at start of battle now say that they apply the effect only when bought from the market. After the effect is applied, destroy that card.