Playing Legacy’s Allure solo mode is simple. All you need is a single d20 and this web page.

Current Supported Factions

  • Gath

Basic Instructions

  1. On the enemy’s turn, roll a d20 to determine which unit is activated.
    • Units are numbered starting in the first column, moving down the column, then going to the top of the next column, moving down the column, and so on. The enemy units are numbered in the order they are encountered. Which column you regard as the first column is arbitrary.
    • Reroll if a number rolled is greater than the number of enemy units on the battlefield. Alternatively, you can use a range to represent small numbers of units, to minimize the number of dice rolls. For example, if only two enemy units remain, rolling 1-10 would activate the first unit and 11-20 would activate the second unit.
    • If the +1 Shield is still present in the hex, you may only activate an enemy unit that can move to the center and get it. If no enemy unit can do this, proceed with normal unit instructions.
  2. Look up that unit’s name on this page using Ctrl+F and follow the instructions in order, moving on to the next instruction if an instruction is not possible.
    • If multiple targets are possible for a single instruction, roll a die to determine which target will be used. For example, if an instruction says, “Attack the highest gold cost unit that can be killed” and two units qualify, roll a die to see which one is killed. As with the first step, use the top-to-bottom-per-column method to number units.
  3. If you are unclear what an instruction is asking you, make your best guess.

Unit Instructions

Crag Behemoth

  1. Attack a unit that can be killed.
  2. Attack a unit.
  3. If rounds 1-4, move as close as possible toward an enemy.
  4. If rounds 5-7, move as close as possible toward the central hex.
  5. Skip

Crag Wyvern

  1. Attack a unit that can be killed.
  2. If rounds 1-4, move as close as possible toward an enemy.
  3. If rounds 5-7, move as close as possible toward the central hex.
  4. Skip


  1. Attack the highest gold unit or hero that can be killed.
  2. Attack the unit that you can damage the most.
  3. Move to the center if it has a Shield 1 available.
  4. If offensive, move as close as possible to the nearest enemy unit.
  5. Move as close as possible to the center hex.
  6. Skip


  1. Attack the highest gold unit or hero that can be killed.
  2. Attack the unit that you can damage the most.
  3. Move to the center if it has a Shield 1 available.
  4. If offensive, move adjacent to the nearest enemy unit.
  5. If defensive, move to the center hex.
  6. If defensive, move adjacent to the center hex.
  7. Skip


  1. Use Chain Lightning if at least one of the targets can be killed.
    • Pick the ideal order to cause maximum damage otherwise roll to determine order.
  2. Use Lightning Bolt on the highest gold unit or hero that can be killed.
    • Combine it with a movement that moves you at least 1 hex away from any adjacent enemies.
  3. Use Chain Lightning to cause maximum damage (regardless of whether damage can be reduced).
  4. Use Fury on a unit that cannot die next turn that can kill their hero or a unit with higher gold cost than it.
    • Combine it with a movement that moves you at least 1 hex away from any adjacent enemies.
  5. Move within 2 range of the allied unit with the highest gold count if not already.
  6. If mana remaining, skip.
  7. Attack the unit that you can damage the most.
  8. If offensive, move within 2 range of the nearest enemy unit.
  9. If defensive, move to the center hex.
  10. If defensive, move adjacent to the center hex.
  11. Skip

Raging Goblin

  1. Attack the highest gold unit or hero that can be killed.
  2. Move within attack range of an enemy unit that this unit can kill next round.
  3. Attack the unit that you can damage the most.
  4. If defensive, move to the center hex.
  5. If defensive, move adjacent to the center hex.
  6. Skip

Razormane Manticore

  1. Attack the highest gold unit or hero that can be killed.
  2. Attack the unit that you can damage the most.
  3. Move to the center if it has a Shield 1 available.
  4. If offensive, move adjacent to the nearest enemy unit.
  5. If defensive, move to the center hex.
  6. If defensive, move adjacent to the center hex.
  7. Skip

Skorg Hellion

  1. Attack the highest gold unit or hero that can be killed.
  2. Move within attack range of an enemy unit that this unit can kill next round.
  3. Attack the unit that you can damage the most.
  4. If defensive, move to the center hex.
  5. If defensive, move adjacent to the center hex.
  6. Skip

Skorg Sorcerer

  1. Attack the highest gold unit or hero that can be killed.
  2. Roll for one of these options:
    1. Use Taunt on the highest gold unit or hero.
    2. Use Enrage on a flying or charging unit.
  3. Move within 3 range of the allied unit with the highest gold count if not already.
  4. If mana remaining, skip.
  5. Attack the unit that you can damage the most.
  6. If offensive, move adjacent to the nearest enemy unit.
  7. If defensive, move to the center hex.
  8. If defensive, move adjacent to the center hex.
  9. Skip

Spikecollar Hound

  1. Attack the highest gold unit or hero that can be killed.
  2. Move within attack range of an enemy unit that this unit can kill next round.
  3. Attack the unit that you can damage the most.
  4. Move adjacent to the nearest enemy unit.
  5. Move 1 hex closer to the center hex.
  6. Skip

Troll Doctor

  1. Heal the highest gold unit can be healed for the max heal amount.
  2. Attack the highest gold unit or hero that can be killed.
  3. Move within 2 range of the allied unit with the highest gold count if not already.
  4. If mana remaining, skip.
  5. Attack the unit that you can damage the most.
  6. If offensive, move adjacent to the nearest enemy unit.
  7. If defensive, move to the center hex.
  8. If defensive, move adjacent to the center hex.
  9. Skip