Design Notes
Roughly one third of all cards in the game have been modified.
The primary purpose of season 2 is to reduce the viability of wide armies that rely on action economy and action skipping to create an advantage. Although this did not affect novice players, this kind of strategy eventually dominated the competitive meta. In my opinion, abusing action economy resulted in games that were too passive and too heavy in analysis paralysis.
Overall, I’m thrilled by the reception of season 1. I believe that the changes in season 2, plus the new faction that will be released at some point, are going to take Legacy’s Allure to a new level in terms of enjoyability for both casual and competitive players. If you have specific questions about any changes, feel free to ask me or the playtesters in our discord server.
As always, thanks to the amazing team of playtesters. I could not do this without you!
-Keith Rice, Lead Designer
Evasion is now factored in before shield. New definitions:
- Evasion – This unit reduces incoming ranged attack damage to zero. Evasion is factored in before Shield.
- Evasion X – This unit reduces incoming ranged attack damage by X. Evasion is factored in before Shield.
Downy Pillow
- Heal from 1 to 2
Light Chainmail
- Now grants +1 Armor instead of Armor 1
Light Null Cloak
- Gold cost from 2 to 3
- Now grants +2 Magic Resist instead of Magic Resist 1
Bulwark Boots
- Gold cost from 4 to 3
Enchanter’s Boots
- Gold cost from 5 to 4
- Slot requirement from 1 to 2
- Gold cost from 4 to 3
Weoxstan’s Wizard Gear
- Gold cost from 7 to 6
Talisman of Precision
- Removed from game
Vitality Charm
- Removed from game
Energy Charm
- Removed from game
Essence Charm
- Added to game
- Gold Cost 2
- Slot Requirement 1
- Text: +1 Max Health and +1 Max Mana
Heart of Tarrasque
- Added to game
- Gold Cost 5
- Slot Requirement 1
- Text: +3 Max Health
- Mana cost from 2 to 1
- Text now includes, “Use this ability only once per round.”
Apprentice Wizard
- Mana from 3 to 1
- Gold cost from to 2 to 3
- Max Health from 2 to 3
- No longer has Allied Pathing
- Max health from 2 to 1
- Now starts the game with Shield 2.
- Protect cast range reduced from 3 to 2.
Gold cost from 3 to 4
Power from 1 to 2
No longer has second passive
Spellcradle Seraph
Gold cost from 3 to 4
Mana from 3 to 4
- Now has Charging
- Movement from 2 to 1
- Now has Allied Pathing
- Now has Armor 1
- Gold cost from 4 to 5
Now has Magic Resist 2 instead of Magic Resist 3
Magic Shield now grants Magic Resist instead of Magic Resist 3
Elite Swordsman
- Now has Allied Pathing
Frost Maiden
Movement from 3 to 2
Health from 1 to 2
High Priest
- Max health from 1 to 2
- Bless heal from 4 to 6
- Now has Spellproof
- Mana from 3 to 5
- Resurrect mana cost from 2 to 3
- Resurrect no longer gives +1 action
- Max Health from 4 to 5
- Can now attack adjacent units
Grand Wizard
Gold cost from 15 to 13
Diminish base power reduction from 1 to 2
Teleport now uses the keyword “Delayed” to indicate that it cannot be used on the first round.
Arcane Blast mana cost from 2 to 1
Arcane Blast damage from 4 to 3
- Gold cost from 15 to 16
- Mana from 3 to 5
- Max Health from 6 to 8
- Resurrect mana cost from 2 to 3
- Resurrect no longer gives +1 action
- Text now includes the sentence, “This effect cannot trigger more than once per turn.”
Battle Fury
See new text
Spikecollar Hound
Now may only charge units with Health 1.
Goblin Bombardier
Gold cost from 2 to 3.
Detonate now gives target enemy Burned 1.
- New passive: If this unit dies to a trample or melee attack, that unit takes 2 magic damage and gets Burned 1. Detonate – Combinable.
Goblin Lackey
Gold cost from 2 to 3
Power from 2 to 1
- Active ability renamed from Empower to For the Cause.
- For the Cause heal increased from 1 to 2.
- For the Cause can remove a debuff.
Goblin Flanker
- Removed from game
Goblin Rager
- Added to game
Power 2
Movement 3
Max Health 2
Text: Allied Pathing, Charging. If this unit skips, destroy it.
Goblin Archer
Max Health from 2 to 1
Crag Vulture
- Can now charge debuffed units
Dragon Hatchling
- Power from 2 to 3
- Flame Assault now has -1 Movement if combined.
Vesuvian Warlock
Mana from 4 to 5
Overheat – 1M/4R: Combinable. Target enemy unit cannot be healed or buffed this round.
Trenchdigger Goblin
New text: Dig Trench – 1R: Combinable. Target hex gets, “Non-hero units with Max Health 4 or less that occupy this hex get Steadfast, Evasion, and cannot be moved by enemy effects.”
Troll Shaman
Mana from 5 to 6
Bloodthirst can no longer grant Piercing but can grant “cannot be debuffed”.
Vesuvian Archer
New text: Allied Pathing, Imbued, Burn 1. When this unit attacks, the defender cannot be healed or buffed this round.
Troll Berserker
Gold cost from 7 to 9
Max Health from 4 to 5
New text: Charging, Counterstrike. At the start of this unit’s turn, you may deal 1 magic damage to it. If you do, it gains +1 Power this turn.
Skorg Sorcerer
Brutality now has combinable.
Enrage now uses the keyword “Delayed” to indicate that it cannot be used on the first round.
Goblin Slingshot
Renamed “Launch” to “Fling”
Fling no longer ignores spellproof.
Vesuvian Disruptor
Gold cost from 8 to 10
Mana from N to 3
New text: Pathing, Spellproof, Backstab. When this unit attacks, the defender cannot be healed or buffed this round. Disrupt – 1M/4R: Combinable. Target enemy unit is silenced this round.
Ironhoof Minotaur
- Max Health from 8 to 9
Firefist Minotaur
- Max Health from 8 to 9
Crag Behemoth
- Max Health from 12 to 13
- New text: Steadfast. This unit cannot be moved by enemy effects. When this unit attacks, exhaust the defender.
Gold from 1 to 2
New text: Blink – 1M: Relocate Kaladrix to target hex. Kaladrix gains Spellproof until his next action.
Levels removed
Gold Cost 2
Text: Passive: When Kaladrix attacks, he deals 2 damage to enemy units on either side of the defender that are also adjacent to the hex that Kaladrix attacked from.
Now has three levels instead of five
Old: Quicken 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 costs 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 and targets 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 gold units
New: Quicken 1 / 2 / 3 costs 3 / 6 / 9 gold and targets 5 / 10 / 15 gold units
Gold cost from 1 to 2
Cast range from 4 to 3.
Movement from 3 to 2.
Gold cost from 2 to 3.
New text: Pathing. Taunt – Combinable. -1 movement if combined. Target adjacent enemy unit attacks Taunting Satyr.
New text: Allied Pathing, Charging. If this unit charges, it has Movement 1 during that attack and may move one more hex after the attack.
Movement from 2 to 1.
Maneuver is now combinable.
Second passive text: When an enemy unit tramples this unit, deal 2 physical damage to it.
Gold cost from 3 to 4.
New text: Allied Pathing. When an allied ranged unit within 4 range attacks, if this unit is not exhausted, you may pay 1M. If you do, give that unit Piercing 1, Net Shot, or Hook Shot this round. See back. Use this ability only once per round. This ability does not stack.
Gold cost from 3 to 4.
Gold cost from 4 to 5.
- Removed from game
Creeping Palisade
- Added to game
- Gold Cost 6
- Power N
- Movement 1
- Max Health 6
- Max Mana N
- Text: Health Regen 5. This unit cannot be affected by Roar abilities. Enemy units that start their turn adjacent to this unit get Movement 1 during their turn.
- BACK: Include, “A Roar ability is an active ability with “Roar” in its name.”
- BACK: The movement reduction effect does not count as a debuff.
Max mana from 5 to 4
Attack range from 1 to N
Text: Shield of Thorns – 1M/4R: Combinable. Target gains Physical Damage Return X, where X equals its power. Remove this buff after it takes physical damage. Hedge – 1M/4R: Combinable. Target unit gains Steadfast or Spellproof. Remove these buffs after it moves.
Gold cost from 6 to 5
New text: Allied Pathing, Charging. If this unit charges, it has Movement 1 during that attack and may move one more hex after the attack.
Max Health from 1 to 2.
Elvish Medicine now has global cast range.
Restore now removes all debuffs from the target unit.
New passive: This unit cannot receive more than 3 damage in a single turn.
Gold cost from 7 to 8
Health from 3 to 2
Mana from 4 to 6
Naturalize – XM/4R: Combinable. Target unit is X of the following this round: broken, rooted.
Tend heal from 2 to 3
Gold cost from 8 to 9.
Health from 4 to 5.
Gold cost from 11 to 10
Range from 2 to 1
New text: Allied Pathing. At the start of this unit’s first turn, target non-hero unit gets an unremovable Beguile debuff. See back. Untouchable – 4R: Combinable. Enemy units cannot move into target hex this round.
- Relevant text on back: A Beguile debuff says, “If this unit has a gold cost of 2 / 6 / 10 / 14 / 18 or less, its current owner loses control of it at the start of round 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6, respectively.” All beguiled units remain under your control as long as you have at least one Deepwood Enchantress alive.
Gold cost from 12 to 13
New passive ability: At the start of each round, adjacent enemy units take 1 physical damage.
- Gold cost from 14 to 13
Max health from 3 to 4
Power from 3 to 4
Range from 3 to 4
New text: Allied Pathing, Counterstrike. This unit retaliates against ranged units. This unit gets -1 / -2 / -3 Power during combat with a unit that is 2 / 3 / 4 hexes away.
Gold cost from 14 to 15
New text: Flying, Spellproof. If you act with this unit on your first turn each round, it gets +1 Action.