- Legacy’s Allure is set in a high-fantasy universe (“swords and sorcery”), like Lord of the Rings and Magic: the Gathering.
- Art style and quality is similar in quality to Magic: the Gathering, Epic Card Game, Flesh and Blood, and Gwent.
- The illustrations must look good on a poker-sized card with a card frame similar to Magic: the Gathering. Therefore, it is important that the art is not too “busy” or “noisy” or cluttered. We prefer that the art does not include an action scene. The character / object in the image should not be far away.
- Example of BAD art.
- Silver Wing Lancer – Too much action, too much clutter.
- Serra Angel – Too far away.
- Here is an example of art that we do NOT want. It is an action scene with lots of clutter.
- Here are examples of art that we do want. They are simple, minimalist, and clearly show what the card is portraying.
- Example of BAD art.
- Please do not include any nudity, cleavage, or sensuality. Women should be properly dressed for battle.
Card Frames
I need the following 10 card frames. The current card frames, which show faction colors, are here.
- Items (closed frame)
- Arengard hero (open frame)
- Arengard ability (closed frame)
- Arengard unit (closed frame)
- Gath hero (open frame)
- Gath ability (closed frame)
- Gath unit (closed frame)
- Sylvan hero (open frame)
- Sylvan ability (closed frame)
- Sylvan unit (closed frame)
The heroes have open card frames to show off their artwork. You can see the hero artwork here. You can also see how MTG or modified MTG cards use open / closed card frames differently:
- Unit Example 1 – Llanowar Elves
- Item Example 1 – Darksteel Plate
- Ability Example 1 – Chain Lightning
- Hero Example 1 – Ezuri, Claw of Progress
- Hero Example 2 – Ajani Goldmane
Learn about the factions in the Illustrations section below.
The faction colors have sufficient chromatic spacing because ten factions will be in the game and they will mostly be distinguishable by their color and card frame. Cards do not state what faction the card is from.
Card Icons
This game will have several icons on each card, depending on whether the card is a unit, ability, or item. The first set will represent data contained on each card:
- Gold – How much the card costs. (top right on all cards)
- Power – How much damage the unit does. (bottom row on unit cards)
- Range – How much range the unit has. (bottom row on unit cards)
- Movement – How far the unit can move. (bottom row on unit cards)
- Health – How much health the unit has. (bottom row on unit cards)
- Mana – How much mana the unit has or how much mana the ability costs. (bottom row for units, middle row for abilities)
- Inventory Slots – How many inventory slots the item uses. (middle row on item cards)
Faction Icons
Each faction will need its own icon, much like each color in magic has its own icon. The icons should be simple and not overly ornate. You can see the art prompts for each faction in the Prompts section below. (e.g., “Faction – Arengard)
Legacy’s Allure has three types of cards: Heroes, Units, Abilities (Spells), and Items.
Each faction has 42 cards. The game also has about 30 items. This comes out to roughly 450 cards. Initially, however, we will only create about 30 pieces of artwork. Please view the faction mood boards before looking at the prompts for each card.
- Faction – Arengard
- Heroes
- Units
- Squire
- Shieldbearer
- Crossbowman
- Wizard Apprentice
- Longbow Archer / Elite Longbow Archer
- Spellcradle Seraph
- Tactician
- Pikeman / Halberdier
- Tempest Mage / Adept Tempest Mage
- Spellbreaker
- Priest / High Priest
- Swordsman / Elite Swordsman
- Enforcer
- Skyreign Pegasus
- Knight / Heavy Knight / Ultraknight
- Dawnbringer Paladin
- Royal Griffin
- Frost Maiden
- Angel / Archangel
- Catapult
- Battering Ram
- Grand Wizard
- Faction – Gath
- Units
- Goblin Lackey
- Spikecollar Hound
- Goblin Bombardier
- Goblin Archer
- Goblin Flanker
- Grunt
- Crag Vulture
- Skorg Hellion
- Skorg Archer
- Dragon Hatchling
- Vesuvian Warlock
- Trenchdigger Goblin
- Troll Doctor
- Warg Rider
- Warg Archer
- Skorg Sorcerer
- Troll Berserker
- Vesuvian Archer
- Goblin Slingshot
- Crag Wyvern
- Hellbear
- Elder Troll Shaman
- Razormane Manticore
- Cave Troll
- Vesuvian Disruptor
- Charbelcher
- Ironhoof Minotaur
- Firefist Minotaur
- Black Dragon
- Crag Behemoth
- Units
- Faction – Sylvan
- Heroes
- Units
- Deepwood Protector
- Wisp
- Glade Hawk
- Taunting Satyr
- Tethir Archer / Grand Archer
- Deepwood Sentinel
- Tethir Fletcher
- Norfang Hunter / Great Hunter
- Deepwood Mystic / Elder Mystic
- Norfang Sorcerer / High Sorcerer
- Witchhunter
- Centaur Guard
- Arbormage
- Silverglade Dryad
- Hippogriff
- Ursa Minor / Major
- Grovekeeper Druid
- Treant
- Silverglade Ranger
- Norfang Champion
- Hippogriff Archer
- Bull Elk
- Thorn Elemental
- Norfang Enchantress
- Tethir Bowmaster
- Green Dragon
- Faction – Beast
- Units
- Sand Scorpion
- Red Eagle
- Totem of Vigilance
- Young / Great Wolf
- Acid Spitter / Evolved Acid Spitter
- Drazil Survivalist
- Pathfinder Kavu
- Drazil Archer
- Gnoll Warlock
- Giant Tortoise
- Beast Whisperer
- Raging Kavu
- Magebane Kavu
- Young / Mature Baloth
- Grizzly Bear
- Sand Wyvern
- Drazil Beastmaster
- Carapaced Wurm
- Luring Kavu
- Territorial Kavu
- Firbolg Shaman
- Firbolg Stonethrower
- Whiptongue Kavu
- Predator Wurm
- Thunderbird
- Primordial Hydra
- Tarrasque
- Giant Porcupine
- War Boar
- Items
- Short Sword – DONE – on a rack in a blacksmith shop
- Broad Sword – DONE – on a rack in a blacksmith shop
- Crystal Sword – DONE – a sword with a crystal blade
- Sunblade – DONE – a sword that harnesses the power of the sun
- The Humbler – DONE
- Talisman of Precision – DONE – This is a talisman worn around the neck that helps archers
- Velocity Greaves – DONE – These are greaves that help the wearer charge their enemy.
- Demon-tooth Dagger – A dagger made from a demon’s tooth
- Buckler – DONE
- Round Shield – DONE
- Kite Shield – DONE
- Light Chainmail – DONE – upgrades into Heavy Chainmail
- Heavy Chainmail – DONE – upgrades from Light Chainmail
- Light Null Cloak – DONE – upgrades into Heavy Null Cloak; this cloak protects against magic damage
- Heavy Null Cloak – DONE – upgrades from Light Null Cloak; this cloak protects against magic damage
- Felgard’s Battle Suit – a heavy protective battle suit
- Thorn Mail – a suit of armor (worn on the torso) that is made of sharp thorns
- Bulwark Boots – heavy metal boots that keep the wearer firmly planted in place
- Wurmscale Mail – a suit of armor made from the scales of a wurm
- Vitality Charm – has three levels; a trinket that gives the wearer additional health
- Downy Pillow – DONE – a pillow made of goose down
- Healing Potion – example
- Boots of Speed – DONE
- Enchanter’s Boots – boots that make the wearer move faster and have more blue energy
- Arcane Stone – a stone that gives the wearer more blue energy
- Energy Charm – has three levels; a trinket that gives the wearer more blue blue energy
- Rod of Asmodet – a wizard’s rod that makes spells shoot farther
- Weoxstan’s Wizard Gear – a wizard’s staff and headpiece that make him much more powerful
- Izabek’s Staff – a wizard’s staff that make his spells more dangerous